Saturday, April 12, 2008

Art not of the United States

Lalla Essaydi's photographs are striking. They put a large emphasis on written language. I had no idea that under the laws of Islam women may not not be allowed to practice such an art.


Hokayshenao said...

A young man named Tiele (The names were changed to protect the innocent) told me from the ground level to "cool it." I was used to seeing a girl once a week who was named Chikako. She gave me all her honor and respect, so I now see that he may have been right to say such things. Chikako and me no longer keep in touch. I lived in a highrise apartment so I did not always know what was happening in her neighborhood. The art of western Europe is expressed now through my networking. I do not want to taint my credibility by being a native of America, but I take on responsibility in order to support my family abroad.

Hokayshenao said...

Kudamamoto is a fitting name for a successor. In wheather that has reached over 100 degrees there is a push for persons to be coherent. When one observes real time the scenes often slow down as ten frames put together. In order to pass through all ten frames one would have to be at the speed of real time. This experiment could not be complete without a control. How would we know if someone could suspend their concept of reality like watching a movie. This is stated because of what we accept as time in second, minutes, etc... The continuation is a key concept to be undone. Kudamamoto is a great golden gate of love.

hokayshenao said...

Creo que personas todos pueden encontar stimuluses bajo de la ley. otono es posible perfecto por Kurimoyo Minori. Mi hija es mucho inspiracion en mi arte y filosofia. Pero es todos ahora porque necessito mostar a Japon. Hoy mi arte es a como un blog de maestro. creo o comprolo un filosofia para Picasso. Quiero tomar cuidada de la porque ella es mi corozone. El nombre de fuerte salud es [Kudamamoto] Aetsey net. Yo no se a usar esas palabras. ciao.

hokayshenao said...

Poem(hoga ii desu ne).
A bird of yellow and umber earnestly soars in its own benvolence. The song of the this bird is cherished by its species. The bird glides through the air like flower petals. The flicker of a flame dances before me though she barely knows my name. Elle corozone is the most fragile part of her being from her eyes to feet and her beautiful holy sacrum. I would take a breath for Italy, because my sadness is a dristling spring morning. Her face resembles glass in the way sunlight trickles through each pane. Her decisions are acute and to the point. Her words are more sharp than bamboo shoots. I imagine her hair grown more straight and more coarse when pulled at the root. Her eye folds are like an eye's parachute. On a summer day her legs show but she is an empress and must conduct herself as such. She is elegant in a skirt. A flower can recognize classical Greek statues, grapes, and leaves. She may bring her night to a close with a hush sound beneath her brush strokes{idealized to a type that conformed to an ideal feminine beauty harbored not only by German). Do you fair wife of chancellor mother to his parliament thinker know of a "Nordic Gretchin." Earth turns in her metabolism Sweden is not angered by her decision. She loves humans with their recognizable attitudes even though she has blonde hair.

Ganbattemasukayo said...

Watashi wa kotei kotaishi Tokugawa de. I would be a gracious Japanese man if I were honored by a great actress such as Ryo Odagiri san. Watshi no Jotei ga tatte kudasai. ; l

Ganbattemasukayo said...